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Sleep Solutions: How to Fall Asleep Faster

We all know how important it is to get enough sleep every night. But according to some experts, as many as 70 percent of Americans report getting insufficient sleep at least once per month. What’s more, 11 percent of American adults say they get inadequate sleep at least once per week.

If you’re one of those people, sleep problems can seem insurmountable. But they’re not. In fact, several different sleep techniques exist to help you both fall asleep faster and stay asleep afterward. In this post, we will look at how to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep using some of these sleep tips.

What is Sleep Hygiene?

One of the easiest ways to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer is improving your sleep hygiene. According to the National Sleep Foundation, “sleep hygiene” is an umbrella term that includes a variety of sleep-improving habits. These include both personal habits and environmental stimuli.

Best Ways to Fall Asleep: How to Fall Asleep Faster

One crucial component of proper sleep hygiene is falling asleep quickly. You don’t want to toss and turn for hours – you want to get comfy and pass out. We’ll cover some of the best ways to fall asleep quickly in this section.

  1. Unplug From Electronics

It can be tough to unplug for even a short amount of time in today’s increasingly interconnected world. But did you know that using electronic devices can impact your sleep cycle? It’s true. Experts agree that unplugging from your phone, computer, or other devices before bed can help you fall asleep faster.

But how does it work? These devices emit short-wavelength blue light from their screens. This kind of light can wreak havoc on your melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone that your body releases around bedtime. When your body senses that it’s time to sleep, it releases melatonin to help you feel tired and ready for bed.

The blue light from your tablet, phone, or computer screens prevents this release. As a result, they’ll make you feel more alert and ready to go, and that’s not how you want to feel when you’re getting ready for bed. It also can interfere with REM sleep, the most restful part of a night’s rest.

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, try unplugging for between one or two hours before bed. You can use that time to read a book or perform some other low-key, relaxing activity.

  1. Set a Sleep Schedule

Here’s one of our tips to fall asleep you may not have considered. But having a consistent sleep schedule is actually a critical component of sleep hygiene. Scientists at Harvard have even recognized a sleep schedule’s importance on a night’s rest.

How exactly can you do that? They recommend falling asleep and waking up at a set time every day. That sounds easy at first, but they also recommend keeping your sleep schedule over the weekends. Although that may throw a serious monkey wrench in your social life, it may be the key to improving your overall sleep hygiene.

With that being said, sometimes, it’s impossible to nail the perfect sleep schedule. And that’s ok. Harvard researchers stress that even making small changes in your sleep schedule can have a significant impact on your sleep schedule. Starting small can also lead to more considerable, more effective changes later on.

  1. Relax Your Body

For some people, falling asleep may seem as simple as laying down and closing your eyes. But it’s not always that easy. Sleep may never come unless you relax your body. Doing yoga or some kind of progressive meditation practice can relax your muscles and ease stress.

If you’re not sure how to do that, don’t worry. Johns Hopkins sleep experts outlined a simple relaxation technique.

First, find a quiet place to sit or lie down comfortably. Then, begin to take a few breaths as you tense different groups of muscles. Choose one muscle group per breath, tensing as you inhale and relaxing as you exhale.

It’s a good idea to begin with muscles in your head and neck. Then, move downwards to your neck, upper body, and lower body. Once you’ve gone through your entire body once, start over and focus on areas that are still tense. After you’re done, you should feel relaxed and ready for sleep.   

  1. CBD May Help

We’ve posted in our blog before about the many possible properties of CBD – like how it may be able to ease joint pain. And one of those effects may be improved sleep. Research suggests that CBD may be a natural option for those seeking powerful sleep solutions.

One study looked at the impact of CBD on sleep and anxiety. Anxiety can be a major roadblock between anyone and a good night’s sleep. They may spend time tossing and turning, with their minds racing for hours without finding relief.

The study looked at 72 adults and discovered that CBD appeared to help ease their nighttime anxiety and fall asleep faster. Two-thirds of participants reported better sleep after one month.

Make Relive Everyday a Part of Your Sleep Hygiene Plan

If you’re still lying awake at night wondering how to fall asleep even when you’re not tired, consider trying CBD. This non-psychoactive compound, which hemp plants produce naturally, could be the key to getting a better night’s sleep.

At Relive Everyday, we’ve made it our mission to develop premium CBD for various uses. That includes sleep. Our REM Series of CBD oils is specially formulated to help you sleep faster and improve your sleep quality.

We start by extracting CBD from high-grade hemp grown exclusively by American farmers. Then, we blend the broad-spectrum CBD extract with other compounds derived from lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, orange, and pine; you’ll be drifting off to sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. And don’t forget to check out our full range of CBD products, including gummies, topicals, capsules, and more.

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