Are You Experiencing Burnout

It’s been happening for weeks now. You don’t know how to describe it, but everything is just hard. You’re always tired, even when you wake up first thing in the morning. In fact, the simple task of getting out of bed seems insurmountable, and you’ve been spending a lot of time hitting the snooze button. As you finally set foot into the real world, every challenge you face seems impossible. You just don’t have the attention or mental bandwidth to keep going. If this sounds like you, you may be facing burnout, and it’s important to begin understanding why that’s happening and what you can do to stop it.

What is Burnout?

It’s difficult to pin a complete definition to the term “burnout,” partially because it’s not actually a medical diagnosis. Our society hasn’t really begun to recognize burnout and its harmful effects in the same way that some other countries have. However, the APA Dictionary does have an entry for “burnout.”

According to the APA Dictionary, burnout refers to a state “of physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion accompanied by decreased motivation, lowered performance, and negative attitudes toward oneself and others.” The first psychologist to use the term was Herbert J. Freudenberger in 1975.

Freudenberger initially used the term in a study he authored about clinicians with hefty caseloads. But since then, other industries have also begun to adopt the term. Now, we realize that burnout exists in nearly every job out there. It’s just a matter of time before all of the little things finally catch up to you.

What Causes Burnout?

Burnout is what happens when anxiety runs amok. However, it takes a particular set of circumstances to actually trigger burnout. Some of them include:

  • Lack of Work-Life Balance: Do you feel like your job takes up so much that you don’t have anything left in the tank when you clock out? That’s a one-way ticket to feeling burnt out.
  • Hot and Cold Schedules: Does your work require you to put in extra effort during part of the year while living in a lull for the rest of it? Extremes of activity can often trigger burnout.
  • Bad Work Environments: If you feel like you’re getting bullied at work, or if your coworkers are actively trying to make your life more difficult, you’ll start feeling burnt out.
  • No Support System: Feeling isolated sucks, and it’s even worse when you’re at work. If you don’t have a support system, you’re at a higher risk of burnout.
  • Poorly Defined Work: Every good manager knows they need to give their team realistic, well-defined, actionable goals for them to succeed. If that’s not a part of your workplace, you’re heading for a problem.
  • Feeling Out of Control: This is ultimately the root cause of most cases of burnout. Feeling like you don’t have control of your life is something we all experience at some point or another, but when it begins to overshadow everything else, you’ve got a problem.

You only need to fall into one of these categories to be on your way to feeling burnt out. But if you’re experiencing more than one at a time, it can happen even more quickly.

Symptoms of Burnout

Burnout can come on suddenly. One day you may feel highly stressed and anxious, but not so much that you feel completely crushed. But the next day, you’re completely overwhelmed. That’s one of the most insidious things about this condition. Often, it’s challenging to detect and prevent until it’s already happening.

However, that doesn’t mean there’s no way to see this coming. If you think you’re starting to feel burned out, check to see if:

  • You don’t just have some bad days. Every day is always bad.
  • You’re always tired – there’s no energy for you to tap into.
  • Everything you do is underwhelming, boring, and pointless.
  • It feels like you’re totally unappreciated, and nothing you do makes a difference.
  • Caring about anything (work, life, relationships, etc.) seems like a massive waste of time.

Burnout may present some physical symptoms, too. Be on the lookout for frequent pain, like muscle pain or headaches. You should also pay attention to changes in your sleep schedule. What’s more, burnout can physically weaken your body, weakening your immune system and leaving you open to new infections.

Finally, you (or the people around you) may notice some behavioral changes from your burnout. Some of the most common include:

  • Procrastination
  • Isolation
  • Projection
  • Withdrawing from responsibilities
  • Changes in work schedule: coming in late and leaving early

How to Fight Against Burnout

Fortunately, burnout doesn’t have to last forever. Instead, there are some concrete ways to get back on track. First, don’t be afraid to take some breaks. You may even deserve a vacation. Taking some time away from work (or whatever else is causing your burnout) is one of the best ways for you to reset. Once you return, you’ll feel way better and be equipped to tackle the challenges your life continues to throw your way. If you can’t do a vacation – try breathwork with Amanda. A 1:1 session can leave you feeling like a huge weight has been lifted so that you can feel like you slowed down, even if only for 2 hours.

Exercise is also a great way to help stave off burnout. It’s a great way to channel your energy positively rather than just letting it spiral into anxiety. In addition, exercising will literally release “happy chemicals” known as endorphins into your brain. When your body releases these, it can help put you into a positive mindset and help combat burnout. If you want help in looking at your schedule to see how you can fit this in, productivity is Amanda’s middle name! Book a call with her to see how we can get you out of burnout ASAP!

Using CBD to Fight Burnout

There may be one more way to help fight burnout feelings to extend the times that you’re productive and happy. CBD, the active ingredient in hemp, appears to reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, according to researchers at the Permanente Journal. That means CBD can be an effective stopgap to relieve feelings of burnout and recover from burnout faster.

If you’re looking for a natural, safe, and effective source of CBD, trust Relive Everyday. We carry a vast variety of CBD-infused products that can help you put the kibosh on feelings of burnout. Infused products like oils and gummies are some of the most efficient CBD delivery systems available today. What’s more, they have nondetectable levels of THC. That means they have no psychoactive properties, so they won’t make you feel high.

Want to learn more about how CBD products could help you in your quest against burnout? Discover the ideal CBD product for your specific needs in our online store.

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